The conference gathered 1,487 participants from 72 countries from 17 - 21 September. A large number of poultry scientists and specialists gathered to study and discuss the most recent advances in poultry science.
Altogether, 12 plenary lectures were presented by leading world scientists, as well as 230 oral and 285 poster presentations in 22 parallel sessions.
Huvepharma® global product managers Dr. M. Vereecken, Dr. V. Hautekiet, Dr. W. Depondt and Dr. B. Dehaeck participated in the sessions on poultry health, delivering oral presentations on key topics including:
- Gastrointestinal problems in broiler breeders and pullets after coccidiosis vaccination
- A probiotic containing viable spores of Bacillus licheniformis improves gut health after coccidiosis vaccination
- Efficacy of Gallifen® 40 mg/g premix against natural infections of Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum in layer chickens
- Overview on the efficacy of paromomycine as a treatment for commercial turkeys experiencing outbreaks with Histomonas meleagridis
- Comparison of different anticoccidial programs on coccidiosis control of broilers under floorpen conditions
Huvepharma® hosted a white dinner party, which took place in a cozy restaurant near the Adriatic Sea, where science met joyful entertainment activities.